Friday, February 8, 2013

No Age Limits


                         David Vitter, U.S. senator
"I continue to believe that if children are given the necessary tools to succeed, they will succeed beyond their wildest dreams!"


There are no age limits to integrating digital activities for children today.  Babies are playing with iPads and are able to navigate it easily.


As soon as students enter school, they should have opportunities to work on technology. Kelly's Blog mentions the importance of digital storytelling in kindergarten.  There are many sites available to help preschoolers and young readers develop literacy skills.              
The adage, "Practice Makes Perfect," is relevant when it comes to digital technology. This venture  is worth attaining.  As Elena's Blog explains, there are 22 digital skills every 21st century teacher must have.

Starfall has a great site for literacy. What caught my eye was the section on fables, folktales, fairy tales, and myths.  Starfall offers a simpler version of the stories. These stories can be exemplars before students actually start reading fairy tales, folktales, and fables.

Students can access e-books to expose them to literacy skills. Read/Write/Think provides educators resources to integrate technology when teach reading and writing to students.



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