The kids were so excited to do the readers theater. They practiced before they were filmed. Everyone was encouraged to speak slowly, distinctly and loudly. The Common Core Standards states the students should be able to present knowledge of a story by speaking clearly and at an understandable pace. The actors did a phenomenal job and all the students were well-behaved. The timing and the rhythm of the story was superb considering these students are only eight and nine years old. The class demonstrated "fluid reading and added visual displays when appropriate. Students comprehended the problem and solution to the story as well as the author's message. Taina's Blog
Since I explained to parents I would only have my grad class view this movie, I am not able to embed it in this blog. Below is a YouTube video explaining the benefits students gain when they participate in a play.
As I viewed the movie I was able to start thinking about adding a title page and using different visual features. I decided to add pictures to enhance the storyline and introduce the characters since it might not be obvious to the viewer who the characters were because they were not wearing costumes. Students did wear signs when they did the play for a live audience to indicate their role. Below is a wordle that demonstrates all the components of putting on this readers theater.
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